[amended January 2024, Handicap Committee updated June 2011]






N Hepworth

S R Westmoreland

A Ward


















Affiliated Clubs








1. The Association shall be called ‘The Huddersfield & District Chess Association’.

2. All local chess clubs shall be eligible to apply for membership.

3. Officers

These shall consist of the President, Secretary and Treasurer, alongside a supporting Committee.

4. Election of Officers

Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting from candidates nominated by the General Committee or by the A.G.M. All Officers shall hold office for one year but may be nominated for re-election. A list of nominees shall be circulated with the A.G.M. Agenda to all Club Secretaries.

5. Committees

General Shall consist of the Officers, plus one representative from each Club.

Executive Shall consist of President, Treasurer and Secretary.


The number of members of the Handicap Committee shall be decided at the AGM.

Election shall be at the A.G.M.

Sub Sub-Committees may be appointed for any special purpose by the General Committee or by a General Meeting.

6. Resignations

If any Officer resigns or is unable to carry out his duties, the General Committee may take any necessary action to appoint a replacement until the next A. G. M.

7. Meetings

a. General Committee Meetings

These shall be convened when necessary.

b. A.G.M.

The date and venue shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Clubs shall be given 14 days notice.

c. Extraordinary General Meeting

These may be called at any time by the President or at the request of two Clubs.


8. Voting

Anyone may attend, but only registered players may vote at the AGM or at an EGM.

9. Trophies

The Watkinson Trophy, Littlewood Shield, Examiner Trophy, The Team Challenge Trophy, the FW Brown Trophy, the Bill Lumley Trophy and the Individual K.O. Cups, shall be the property of the Association and may not be won outright. Winners shall hold them for one year.

10. Fees

Affiliation fees and competition entrance fees shall be decided at the A.G.M.

11. Alteration to Constitution or Rules

This may only take place at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting with a two thirds majority of votes cast.

Notice of proposed changes must be sent to the Secretary 21 days in advance.




1. Both scratch and handicap competitions shall be organised.

2. Watkinson Trophy Shall be held by winners of Division 1 Scratch.

3. Littlewood Shield Shall be held by winners of Watkinson Finals {Lower Section}{AGM 2008}

4. Examiner Trophy Shall be held by winners of Handicap Competition

5. Challenge Cup Shall be held by the winners of Team Knock-Out, which shall be

a Handicap Competition

6. Bill Lumley Trophy Shall be held by the winners of the Rapidplay competition

7. Individual K.O. Cups Shall be held by the winners of the Individual Knock-Out Competitions. The two finalists in each section shall also receive individual prizes.


1. Each club is responsible for ensuring players hold England Chess Federation (ECF) membership.

2. Where clubs are struggling to fill teams, it is permitted for those clubs to field players from other clubs on agreement with the opposition Captain when players are over 1600 ECF.

3. An assumed grade is provided for new players and agreed between Captains. Alternatively, the League Secretary or Committee can be approached to assess a player’s strength.  

4. All competitions within the HDCA are conducted using ECF grading, with results entered onto the England League Management System (LMS). This is either via the Executive Committee or team Captains.

5. Should Clubs field players without ECF membership and a fine is incurred, the HDCA will pass on the cost to the club concerned and payment musts be made within 30 days. Failure to re-imburse any fine may lead to player or club suspension from future competitions.

6. Board order for matches is based on the highest rating first as of the first day of the month.  

7. If a Captain enters an incorrect rating then the secretary corrects the rating, and...

[a] if the offending team is in the correct board order, and there is no change in the points start, there is no penalty.

[b] if the offending team is in an incorrect board order then the wrong board order rule applies – all boards affected by the infringement are forfeited.

[c] if the points start total is incorrect, the offending team has one point deducted from its score [for each incorrect rating].

8. Mistake in the rating adjustment calculation / points start, result totals.

It is the responsibility of BOTH captains to ensure that the rating adjustments calculations, the points start calculation and the calculation of the match result are correct.

If an error has been made in calculation of any of these areas, the secretary shall correct the error(s), and calculate the result on the basis of the corrected figures. There shall be no penalty for such errors.

The secretary shall carry out this duty of correction, regardless of any misconception entertained by either team or any member of either team before, during or after the match.

It is permissible for Captains to mutually agree not playing to board order.


Scratch Leagues

1. Final composition of Leagues shall be determined by the General Committee after the closing date for entries.

2. Where 2 divisions operate, promotion and relegation shall be 2 up and 2 down, provided that the total number of teams in the two divisions is 14 or more. If the total is fewer than 14, promotion and relegation shall be 1 up and 1 down. Where the total is an odd number, Division 1 shall be larger than Division 2 by one team. Where the total is an even number, the Divisions shall have the same number of teams.

3. Teams finishing level on points shall play off to determine League Championship or promotion and relegation places

4. In the event of more than 2 teams being involved in a play off, a draw shall be made.

5. In the event of a tie in play off games, the result will be decided on board elimination starting at board 6.

6. If a team drops out of a League, the vacancy shall be filled by not relegating.

7. New teams entering the League shall be placed in the lowest Division.

8. Format for the Watkinson [scratch] competition [AGM 4/6/08].

All teams first play each other in an all-play-all. In the event of a tie for first place, then the winner is determined by the number of games won overall (‘For’). Should this still be tied the a play off will be conducted called the Watkinson Finals. In the event of a further tie, then the bottom board score is removed until the winner is determined. Should this not prove conclusive, then the lowest overall rated team wins.

Examiner Handicap League

1. The number of fixtures per team to be decided by the General Committee.

2. If possible teams will ‘all play all’. In this case, the league winners will win the Examiner Plate.

3. In the event of more than one team finishing level on points, they shall play off to determine the winner.

4. In the event of a tie in play off games the result will be decided on board elimination starting at the bottom board.

5. If the entry is too large to accommodate ‘all play all’, fixtures shall be taken from a 'dial' system.

6. Teams will be allocated in a circle at random, except that, if possible teams from the same Club will not play each other.

7. Teams will play an even number of fixtures. The total number of fixtures to be decided by the General Committee. Home fixtures are scheduled against adjacent teams moving clockwise, and away fixtures teams against teams moving anticlockwise on the dial.

8. The top 4 teams shall play-off for the Examiner Trophy, (1 v 4 and 2 v 3).

9. Teams finishing first and second shall play at home.

10. The final to be at a neutral venue, unless otherwise agreed by the finalists.

Bill Lumley Rapidplay

  1. Fixtures will be arranged by the Handicap/Competition Committee.
  2. Teams will usually play 2 matches on the same evening (a maximum of 3 matches).
  3. FIDE Rapidplay rules apply.


The following Rules shall apply to all games/matches (except Bill Lumley Rapidplay)

1. All games shall played be under F.I.D.E. Laws of Chess, except where the Association Rules provide otherwise.

2. A copy of both Association Rules and F.I.D.E. Laws of Chess (FIDE Handbook January 2023) shall be available on the HDCA website.

3. Teams shall consist of at minimum 5 players, with the option to increase should Captains agree.

4. Board order must follow correct Rating sequence [highest rated player on board 1], unless agreed otherwise by team Captains.

5. Captains shall exchange team lists 5 minutes before the scheduled starting time which shall be 7.30 pm, unless otherwise agreed.

6. Captains shall spin for colours. Winners shall have white on odd boards.

7. All games shall be played with clocks.

8. Players must record moves as prescribed by the Laws of Chess.

9. Games shall be played at 80 minutes with +10 second increments.

10. A player shall be entitled to start his opponent’s clock at the scheduled starting time. A player will score 1 point if his opponent fails to arrive within 30 minutes of the scheduled starting time. A play may choose to play rather than allow the default, should the opponent arrive after 30 minutes.

11. The Home Captain shall be responsible for sending the match result sheet to the League Secretary within 3 days of game completion. Alternatively, the Home Captain can enter results directly onto the ECF LMS. The HDCA League Secretary and Executive will have final say on results, should a dispute arise.

12. A team may request a postponement provided the opposition are given at least 4 days notice. The League Secretary must be informed immediately of the rearranged date.

13.Teams should not seek a postponement with less than 4 days notice. A team unable to fulfil a fixture during this period must:-

a. Inform opponents without delay.

b. Inform League Secretary without delay.

c. Concede the match.

Opposition Captains have the right to agree postponement within the 4 day notice period.

14. In exceptional circumstances the League Secretary may approve a postponement. His decision will be final.

15. Games won shall score 2 point. Games drawn, ½ point.



1. In the event of offences under these headings, the team shall forfeit all boards affected by the infringement.


1. Teams are award points to the overall score where there are overall grade imbalances.

2. A difference of between 0 – 199 does not have a handicap but half a point is awarded every increment of 200.  

Grading Difference

Points awarded to the lowest rated team













































3. Adjustments are not used on the board with absentees.

4. Players must be played in Rating order.


1. The Team K.O. shall be a Handicap Competition.

2. Clubs may enter more than one team, but a player may only play in one team.

3. In the event of a tie in any Team KO matches, the result will be decided by ‘board elimination’, starting at board 6 (result and handicaps eliminated).

4. The Final shall be played at a neutral venue, or by mutual consent, at venue of one of the Finalists.



  1. All games are 25 minutes on each clock. See FIDE Rapidplay Rules.
  2. Match format is based on Examiner Competition.
  3. Two points for match win, one point for draw.
  4. Trophy awarded to team scoring highest points.
  5. In event of tie between 2 teams, the result of the league match between the two teams, will decide winner, with board elimination if necessary.
  6. In the event of tie between 3 or more teams, the Committee will organise a suitable play off.
  7. Board order must follow correct Rating sequence [highest rated player on board 1], unless agreed otherwise by team Captains.



  1. The Individual Knock-Out Competition shall be restricted to registered members of the Association
  2. Players shall be placed in 4 sections:-

i. Section 1 Grades of 1800 {New Grade} or higher

ii. Section 2a Grades 1650 – 1799 {New Grades}

iii. Section 2b Grades 1450 – 1649 {New Grades} for The David Woodhead trophy

iv. Section 3 Grades of 1449 {New Grade} and below.

All sections are “open” so that players below the grading band could elect to play in a higher section, but only allowed to play in one section.

  1. Match venues shall be arranged by the General Committee.
  2. Matches may be played by mutual agreement, before the cut-off date. If no such arrangement is made, the game will be played at the arranged venue, on the scheduled date at 7.30 pm
  3. Players not ready to start by 8.00pm shall be scratched from the competition.
  4. Players shall spin for colour and winner shall have choice. In case of drawn games, colours shall be reversed and a second game shall be played at the same rate of play.
  5. If two games are drawn at normal rate, subsequent games to be played under FIDE Rapidplay rules at 30 minutes per player, until a result is obtained. Players to spin for choice of colour at the start of the new Rapidplay time control, and alternate colours in any subsequent games.
  6. Results must be recorded on the master sheet at the official playing venue or reported to the League Secretary immediately on completion of the game.

(L.) The Conduct of the Players


[1] In the first instance Captains are responsible for resolving disputes and actions that contravene the FIDE laws of chess. This is unless a League Arbiter present (minimum level 1).

{2} Any member or Club may ask the Executive Committee for a ruling on any issue and/or may make a complaint concerning any or all of the following:

{a} An alleged contravention of Article 12 Conduct of the Players, FIDE Laws of Chess, or any of the FIDE Laws of Chess .

{b} Contravention of the rules or constitution of the HDCA.

{c} The conduct of any Club and/or member.

[3] Without prejudice to the generality of the above provision, the Committee shall have power to consider allegations of abusive or drunken behaviour, cheating, or failure to honour a match.

[4] Any complaint or request for a ruling shall be in writing or email to the League Secretary giving full details of the allegations and of all supporting evidence.

[5] The Secretary shall serve a copy of the allegations on the Respondent to the complaint and allow 14 days from the date of service for a reply.

[6] The complaint and reply shall be considered at an Executive Committee meeting.

[7] Both parties to the complaint shall be given at least 7 days notice of the meeting and shall be entitled to attend and make oral representations.

[8] The Executive Committee may reprimand the Respondent or suspend his/her registration for no longer than 5 years.

[9] The Executive Committee's decision be final and binding on the parties.

[10] The Executive Committee may at its absolute discretion refer the issue to the General Committee for determination.

[11] The League Secretary shall fix a date and time for consideration of the complaint or request for a ruling.

[12] The parties shall be given at least 7 days notice of the hearing and the parties may attend to make oral representations.

[13] The General Committee may reprimand the Respondent or suspend him/her for no longer than 5 years.

[14] The General Committee's decision shall be final and binding on the parties.

The League Secretary shall be responsible for administering these Rules.

Any matters not provided for in these Rules shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee whose decision shall be final.


Clarification of the Procedure at the Start of Matches

A. Captains shall simultaneously exchange team lists approximately five minutes before the scheduled starting time which shall be 7.30 pm, unless otherwise agreed.

AFTER lists have been exchanged, the Captains shall THEN spin for colours. Winners shall have white on odd boards.

Note that Board order must follow correct Rating sequence [highest rated player on board 1].

This is the only legal procedure at the start of matches.

B. Example of Illegal Procedure

A Captain attempts to toss up to decide colours before teams are exchanged. Then he changes his team order as it suits him, matching players to preferred colours and then exchanges team lists. This is obviously sharp practice, seeking to gain an advantage. This is not acceptable.


C. Another Example of Illegal Procedure

A Captain does not supply a Team list, but requests his opposing Captain's list so that he can write his team's names at the side of the other Captain's list. He can then change his board order as it suits his players. Another way of doing this is to call out his team orally on sight of the other team's list.

This is obviously sharp practice, seeking to gain an advantage. Any procedure where one Captain has sight of the opposing team's list before divulging his own is illegal, and unacceptable.


D. Penalty for Illegal Procedure

Any alleged infringement shall be considered by the Executive Committee, who will take appropriate action - this could be forfeiture of the match [retrospectively].


E. Advice on Circumstances when the Board Order may be changed after the Exchange of Team Lists

If, after the team lists exchange and toss up have been completed, [but before play has started] telephone contact with a player who has not yet arrived indicates a definite DEFAULT, OR a player has become ill, and is unable to play, Team lists may be drawn up again, including a substitute player if available. If no substitute is available the default board must be board 6. The original toss stands.

If play has already started no changes may be made. [Defaults that are known before the Team exchange are easily dealt with, of course]

Late Player

If a player has not yet arrived, and there is a possibility that the player may not arrive before the 8pm cut off time, the Captains [only with the agreement of both captains] may change the board orders - board concerned with the next board above or below it, providing that the new Board orders follow correct Rating sequence.

[This happened in a recent match - Team A board 3 was not feeling well, and was happy not to have a game, so Captains agreed for the boards to be switched. The late player did not turn up].

APPENDIX B Recording of Games by Young Players

The Secretary recommended that young players should be encouraged to score their games.

However, players should agree to play young players even if they do not score, and not subsequently try to claim the game if their young opponents do not score the games.

The Secretary pointed out that young players who do not score the game lose their rights, such as draw by repetition, claiming a win on time [unless they have recorded the number of moves played in some way].

The Secretary hoped that young players are taught the importance and advantages of scoring their games by Captains, parents and fellow players.